What We Do

Ireland has excellent bilateral relations with Jordan. Reflecting this, and of Irelands ambition of increasing its number of diplomatic missions worldwide, the Irish Government, in November 2017, agreed to open an Embassy in Jordan.

This decision was made on the basis of the Irish Government’s commitment to strengthen bilateral relations with Jordan; in recognition of its key role in the Middle East Peace Process, the importance of the country in responding to the humanitarian crises in the region (primarily Syria and Yemen), and the prospects for deepening Irelands trading relationship with the country.

The launch of JIBA, follows the opening of the first Embassy of Ireland to Jordan in January of this year and the interest of both Jordanian and Irish Governments in strengthening trading relationships between our two countries.

The launch of the Jordan Ireland Business Association is a hugely important milestone in this regard. Over coming years, JIBA will work with the Governments of Jordan and of Ireland, and with the business community in both countries to forge new trading relationships which will be to the benefit of both countries.

With this objective in mind, JIBA will convene bi monthly meetings, of Irish and Jordanian, business representatives. It will arrange visits by business delegations to Ireland and from Ireland to Jordan. It will facilitate the establishment of business to business relationships across key sectors.

Objectives of the Jordan Ireland Business Association

The objectives of the Jordan Ireland Business Association (JIBA) are as follows:

  • To provide networking opportunities for JIBA members through the convening of regular meetings focused on sectors where trade growth is planned
  • To be better informed of the business environment and jointly address bottlenecks to doing business in Jordan and in Ireland
  • To provide contacts and information that can be of use to JIBA members – including through the development and servicing of a dedicated JIBA website
  • To establish links with similar business networks in Jordan, in the region and in Ireland

Activities being planned

  • Collecting information about existing trade relationships and areas where trade growth is feasible
  • Conducting bi-monthly business meetings focused on distinct thematic sectors of interest to JIBA members
  • The planning of visits by business delegations from Ireland to Jordan and from Jordan to Ireland
  • The engagement of key Irish and Jordanian political and business leaders to guide the work of the Association
  • The arrangement of business introductions and the organization of business to business events


  • JIBA is  registered with the Government of Jordan as an ‘Association’
  • The work of the JIBA will be guided by an approved Constitution planned by a Steering Committee comprising 8 JIBA members.
  • In the initial stages, will be co-Chaired by the Ambassador of the Embassy of Ireland and Mr Mohammad Tahboub