Ireland Jordan Business Opportunities in Information, Communication and Technology

This event is has been organized by the Embassy of Ireland to Jordan along with the Jordan Irish Business Association in collaboration with Enterprise
Ireland and in cooperation of the ICT Association of Jordan – INT@J.

The objective of the event introductory level meeting as to introduce Jordanian ICT companies to Irish companies that are interested in the market in Jordan and showcase what they have to offer as well as identifying areas for cooperation between Ireland and Jordan and Increasing trade in the ICT Sector, and presenting Jordan as a Regional Hub for the Irish companies, in addition to positioning Jordan as a potential gateway for the Iraqi market. This event was held virtual on the platform GoToWebinar with attendees

Almost at three hundred participants, seventy percent were Jordanian companies, thirty percent were Irish companies. Event addressed the possibility of establishing a business to business partnership between Irish and Jordanian companies, while emphasizing on three subsectors which are Fin tech, Travel Tech, Enterprise Tech.

This event will be followed up by a webinar in February regarding the ICT skillset shortage in the world and positioning Jordan as a Business Process Outsourcing- BPO and Information Technology Outsourcing- ITO labour provider.